Anna Farrell
Dyslexia Assessement and Tuition


Private Tuition

What is Dyslexia?
The starting point of effective tuition is often targetted assessment to provide a thorough cognitive profile of the individual, detailing strengths, weaknesses and areas of underlying difficulty. Each child is unique, and expert assessment by a trained professional can provide the understanding necessary to provide the most helpful support.
Through my battery of tests I can provide a full diagnostic assessment looking at general ability, areas of literacy attainment, phonological awareness and memory and learning.
If your child is struggling with aspects of literacy I can offer private tuition in your home. This will be a structured, cumulative, multisensorial programme tailored to the individual. I have been trained to use DALP (Dyslexia Action's Literacy Programme) which allows for flexible placement and focused instruction, depending on an individual's needs. I will work with your child to help them better understand their own learning profile, to utilise their strengths and increase self-esteem and self-efficacy. Sessions are usually held after school, in the early evening, or weekends. I can hold the sessions in my home, or come to you. Please get in touch for further information about terms and conditions.
Dyslexia is specific learning difficulty that affects the ability to read and spell. It oftens impacts phonological awareness (your sensitivity to the sounds in words) and memory and recall. Hence the ability to break down individual sounds (phonemes) to read, and build up letters in sequence, to spell.
It exists on a spectrum and can be mild or severe, and influenced by strengths and compensatory strategies that the individual may have formed. It may also co-occur with other specific difficulties such as dyspraxia or ADHD.
If your child is struggling with literacy at school it can be worrying for the parents and hugely detrimental to a child's self esteem. Tuition can help children understand what is going on and give them the tools to help themselves.